(978) 263-6900

Ready to Write Your Will? Consider This Before You Go It Alone or Online.

A last will and testament is the most commonly thought of document when it comes to an estate plan. But, really, it’s a very small part of an integrated plan that ensures your family stays out of Court and out of conflict when something happens to you.

Writing your own Will.

Don’t think you can just write your own Will and that will help your family. Instead, consider the reality that trying to do so could actually create far more trouble for them down the road. They need you to get professional support from someone who can help you look at what you own, who you love, what would happen to you, what you own, and everyone you love, if and when something happens to you.

Death is unavoidable. And, for some, incapacity may happen before that. Facing these matters head-on allows you (and your loved ones) to have the best life possible. Otherwise, it’s the people you love who get stuck dealing with everything you weren’t willing to face now.

A Will is not enough.

Unfortunately, if you go it alone, you may miss important facets of what happens in the event of your incapacity or death. For example, you may think that a Will is sufficient, when what you really need is a trust to keep your family out of Court. And, if you’re the parents of young children, you also need documents to legally designate legal guardians AND short term-guardians (the people who will care for your children in an emergency until the authorities can sort everything out.)

Or, you may think your kids are adequately protected because you have a Will, but you may really need a full Kids Protection Plan® and without it your kids could end up in the care of strangers, even if just temporarily. Before you do anything, get educated and empowered to do what’s right.

The right plan for you begins with knowing what you have. Then, being clear on what is necessary to keep your family out of court and conflict and keep your assets out of the State Department of Unclaimed Property. If you are ready to write your Will, that’s great. Come see us, first.

The biggest mistake you can make is not facing the reality of death, the second biggest mistake is facing it alone. If you need help getting started, call us to schedule your Family Wealth Planning Session. This is what we do and we’re here to make things easy for you and your family. We will help you through the process, so you can make sure your loved ones are protected and your wishes are honored- no matter what.

To your family’s health, wealth, and happiness!


David Feakes

P.S.  Want to get started on the most important planning you’ll ever do for your family?  Give our office a call at (978) 263-6900 to get started.  You’ll be so glad you did.

David Feakes is the owner of The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, PC – a law firm for families in the Acton, Massachusetts area.  David helps parents protect the people they love the most. 

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The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, PC

At The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, we answer your questions at your convenience; we stay in frequent communication; and we meet to discuss changes in life circumstances and in the law to ensure that your assets are protected.

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