(978) 263-6900

An Introduction to the Legacy Interview

What if you could hear your loved one’s voice long after they’ve passed? What if it could be something more than a clip of conversation or laughter from an old home video? What if you could hear them speaking about their memories, their achievements, and their advice? Speaking directly to you?

Unfortunately, this is something you won’t get to experience with loved ones you’ve already lost, but imagine if you could make this a possibility for the people who will miss you after your death. Your children. Your grandchildren. Those you have mentored, guided, treasured.

This is the idea behind the Family Wealth Legacy Interview.

At the Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, PC, we believe that estate planning is a celebration. We don’t look at planning as something filled with doom and gloom, but rather as an opportunity to leave a legacy and to ensure that all you have built throughout your life will live on after you’re gone. We understand that a significant part of your ‘wealth’ goes beyond tangible assets and properties: your legacy is the guidance you give to those you leave behind.

What does a Family Wealth Legacy Interview entail?

As part of planning with our firm, after the legal documents have been signed, you will have the chance to record the intangibles – the memories, guidance and advice that are not captured in the paperwork. This will be a recording of your personal story that can be passed on to your loved ones. 

Through an easy and enjoyable process, a simple chat will be turned into a lasting treasure that can be passed down to your loved ones. We use a digital recorder, and no cameras, so you don’t have to worry about looking your best. There’s no homework or tedious preparation to be done. You only have to candidly answer the questions asked.

What kinds of questions will I be asked in a legacy interview?

You will be asked to choose a theme for your interview, and the questions will center around that theme. Our most popular theme by far is:

  • Our Children: Express your fondest wishes for your children’s happiness. Share your hopes, dreams, and instructions for them and for those who will guide their footsteps in your absence if you pass away before they grow up. 

Some other topics include:

  • The Meaning of Money: Don’t just leave them money; leave them your life-lessons about how to use money with skill and judgement.  Leave them with wisdom that will guide them to place true value on what they own.
  • Treasures: Your possessions often have deep emotional value. By documenting the stories of your keepsakes, you are able to give three precious gifts: the keepsakes themselves, your dedication in preserving them and their meaning, and a richer understanding of family history.
  • Love: Reflect on the adventures of a life lived together with the person you love. Capture those feelings and expressions as a permanent reminder of how much you cherish the love of your life. 
  • And many more! We offer topics for veterans, pet owners, young families, the elderly, and more. We can explore subjects like charitable giving, celebrations, and the meaning of success. 


How can I learn more?

To learn more about legacy interviews and our comprehensive estate planning services, contact the Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, PC, at (978) 263-6900.

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The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, PC

At The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, we answer your questions at your convenience; we stay in frequent communication; and we meet to discuss changes in life circumstances and in the law to ensure that your assets are protected.

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