What if an Expecting Parent Doesn’t Have a Will?

As you prepare to welcome your new baby into the world, your thoughts are likely filled with dreams of first smiles, tiny fingers wrapped around yours, and a future full of family moments. It’s a time of joy and anticipation, but also a time when you might start thinking about the what-ifs. While it’s natural to focus on the excitement of becoming a parent, it’s just as important to consider the unexpected. Creating a Will isn’t about being pessimistic; it’s about ensuring that your child is always cared for, no matter what life brings.

The Real Risks of Not Having a Will

Picture this: You and your partner are eagerly awaiting the arrival of your newborn. But what if something unexpected were to happen to both of you? Without a Will, the state steps in to make decisions about your child’s future. The court—not you—will decide who will raise your child, which could mean that someone you wouldn’t have chosen, or someone your child hardly knows, could become their guardian.

Who Will Raise Your Child?

This question is probably the most important one for expecting parents. If you don’t have a Will, there’s no guarantee that your wishes will be followed. The state’s decision might be based on factors like who lives closest or who appears to be the most financially stable, but it won’t necessarily consider the love, values, and emotional support your chosen guardian would provide.

Imagine your child being placed with a distant relative simply because they seem financially capable, even though they don’t share your parenting style or values. Your child could grow up in an environment that feels unfamiliar and unsettling, all because you didn’t leave a clear plan.

What Happens to Your Child’s Inheritance?

Another important concern is what happens to your assets if you pass away without a Will. Without your guidance, the state will decide how your assets are divided. This could result in your child’s inheritance being managed in ways that don’t align with your wishes. For example, funds might be released when your child turns 18, regardless of whether they’re ready to handle such a responsibility. Without a trust in place, your child could receive a large sum of money at a young age, which might not be in their best interest.

Family Disputes Can Be a Painful Reality

When there’s no Will, even the closest families can find themselves in disagreements. Imagine your siblings arguing over who should raise your child, or extended family members clashing over how your assets should be divided. These conflicts can strain relationships and cause unnecessary stress, all while your child is dealing with the loss of their parents. A well-drafted Will can help prevent these disputes and ensure that your child’s well-being remains the priority.

The Emotional Impact on Your Child

Losing a parent is one of the most difficult experiences a child can face. Without a clear plan, your child may face additional uncertainty about their future, which can add to their pain. In the absence of a Will, your child could be placed in temporary guardianships or even foster care while the court decides who will care for them. This instability can have long-lasting emotional effects, making a heartbreaking situation even worse.

Why Now is the Best Time to Create a Will

Don’t wait until it’s too late. You might think that it’s okay to wait until after your baby is born to create a Will, but it’s better to have a plan in place before your child arrives. Life can be unpredictable, and having a Will ensures that your child is protected from the start. As your family grows and changes, you can update your Will to reflect your new circumstances, but having that initial plan is an important first step. 

Your child’s future is too important to leave to chance. By working with The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, you’re choosing a team that prioritizes your family’s well-being in every way. We make the planning process easy and painless, guiding you every step of the way so that you can focus on what matters most—welcoming your new baby into a world where they are safe and protected, no matter what.

Take the first step in safeguarding your family’s future by scheduling a Planning Session with our caring team. We’re here to answer all your questions and help you create a plan that provides peace of mind for you and a secure future for your child. Call us at 978-263-6900 or contact us online to schedule your Planning Session. Let’s work together to ensure your family’s future is secure.

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The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, PC

At The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, we answer your questions at your convenience; we stay in frequent communication; and we meet to discuss changes in life circumstances and in the law to ensure that your assets are protected.

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