So, one of the most important things to do once you have a plan in place is to let people know that you do have a plan in place.
- The first thing you want to do is let everybody who is playing a role in your plan know you’ve got a plan where you keep it and what they should do if they become aware that something has happened to you.
- The second thing you want to make sure of is those people who care for your children. If you have young children, know that there’s a guardianship plan in place.
What we do for our clients is we create caregiver instructions so babysitters, caregivers, daycare, or preschool providers would know who to call an emergency, the people you’ve given short-term legal authority to take care of your kids in an emergency.
We create for our clients what we call a family emergency ID card that you carry in your purse or wallet that identifies those same people so emergency responders who are helping you or taking care of you will know who to call. So, those people can get with your kids and taking care of your kids as quickly as possible.